I'm always trying to get a bunch of things done at the same time. The auto shutoff feature on this iron has saved me many a time, when I've plugged it in, got involved with another project, and returned an hour or two later to find I'd forgotten the iron and left it on. No wasted electricity, no fire damage. The water reservoir is nice and large, so those times I do get involved in ironing a bunch of stuff, I don't have to keep stopping to refill it. And, because it's detachable, it's much easier to fill.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Panasonic 3-way Auto Shut-off Steam/Dry Iron
Product Description:
3-way Auto-Shut-off with Non-Stick Soleplate, Automatic Retractable Cord Reel, Detachable Water Tank, Curved Soleplate, Self-Cleaning, Jet-of-Steam & Vertical Steam
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